

World Swift Day is June 7!

Please visit the Swifts Without Frontiers website, https://www.worldswiftday.org/, to learn more about this initiative and to hear the video message of their Patron, Dr. Jane Goodall, for World Swift Day 2024.

Consider joining the movement yourself. Whether a small private activity or a big public event, “every little gesture counts”! On the website, you will find resources to help you celebrate this day. Events/activities, even “virtual actions” like posts on social media, will be added to the map progressively. If you haven’t registered yet, just mention #WSD2024 so that they can spot you! (If not, just write to them via the contact form on the website).

Please share on your social media!


Information courtesy of:
Martine Wauters
Swifts Without Frontiers
Founder of World Swift Day


Keep Chimney Swifts common in Wisconsin